Networking is one of the most important areas of work of the AUO organisations. Thanks to this format, the Ukrainian community in Germany unites, professionalises and brings Ukraine’s victory closer together. 

The Ukrainian community of the network is united by a common vision and shared values: together we defend the subjectivity and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We stand for a just and sustainable peace in Ukraine, which is possible only after the full liberation of Ukraine’s territory, the return of sovereignty, the 1991 borders and the accountability of Russia and Russians for war crimes in Ukraine.

Together, we help people who are forced to stay in Germany because of Russia’s war against Ukraine, tell various people about Ukraine, make it more understandable, and strengthen each other by creating joint projects. 

The main goal of the network is to stay in touch with each other, strengthen cooperation, and create strong, sustainable institutions of the Ukrainian community. 

Members of the network communicate daily in a common online group. Online meetings are also held on a regular basis to discuss important topics and set the agenda together. Every year, starting in 2022, the representatives of the community meet for a two-day meeting in Berlin. Several networking events have already taken place. Representatives of the Ukrainian Embassy, German ministries and foundations also frequently attend the networking events. More than 150 active pro-Ukrainian people gather at these events each time.

All networking formats are organised and moderated by representatives of the open platform e.V.  (AUO) and the German organisation Crisp e.V.

If you would like to join the network, please send an email to [email protected]
