
CineMova Ukrainian Empowerment Network e.V.





Founding year:

2009 was the year the initiative was founded, 2018 was the year the association was founded


Member of AUO:

since 2022


Member of other organisations:

Mitglied nur bei der AUO


Goals und main target groups:
Building a strong Ukrainian civil society in Germany including migrants and refugees from Ukraine


Short description of the organisation:

CineMova e.V. emerged from an initiative founded in 2009 and is a non-commercial and independent network of people with Ukrainian migration history in Berlin. We are committed to making Ukrainian culture, history and the present visible in Germany by showing films about Ukraine. The film screenings address important social and political issues. In the program we show both Ukrainian films and films by non-Ukrainian directors. We also organize seminars on political participation in Germany for people with a refugee and migration history. These seminars are aimed both at people who have been living in Berlin for a long time and at people who have recently come to Berlin from Ukraine. We also carry out other social and human rights projects to support refugees and new and old Berliners.


Thematic areas and fields of activity:

1.Organization of public events on the topic of political participation

2. Creation of information and educational materials for political education

3.Organization of seminars on political education in Berlin

4.Organization of screenings of Ukrainian films

5.Psychological support for women from Ukraine (psychological seminars)

6.Organization and supervision of creative workshops



In 15 years, the CineMova Cinema Club has shown more than 200 films, which have been attended by around 12,000 Berliners and visitors. The first city map with Ukrainian places in Berlin was created. A unique program was developed to integrate migrants and refugees from Ukraine into public life in Berlin.




Email: [email protected]

