With the handover of two fire-fighting vehicles, Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin was able to complete an important fundraising campaign today. We handed over the used vehicles in Berlin to firefighters from the southern Ukrainian city of Nikopol.
For months, the city has been under fire from Russia’s invading army. Recently, two fire trucks supplied by us were also destroyeаd. Such criminal double-tap attacks are systematic: first, the invaders attack civilians, then they lie in wait with their drones for the arriving helpers.
We were able to acquire the two replacement vehicles thanks to a fundraising campaign by videoblogger Torsten Heinrich.
On-site, the fire departments will be equipped with proven jammers from the Ukrainian manufacturer Unwave, which we are also financing from the collection. These are intended to protect the fire trucks and their brave crews from treacherous drone attacks in the future.
Along with the vehicles, extensive fire-fighting equipment is also on its way to Ukraine—provided by Björn and Torben Brinkmann, as well as colleagues from the German Red Cross in Vehrte. We received great help in acquiring a fire truck and another equipment donation from Maryna Schiefer.
Our special thanks go to Torsten Heinrich and the more than 1,100 donors who made this important aid delivery possible.
We also received additional support from the Rulle fire department and the company Feuerwehrtechnik Berlin, which provided us with high-quality vehicles at fair conditions. Furthermore, we thank the customs agency in Berlin for their continuous customs support.